Entrust to us your invaluable keepsakes, could be old postcards or recent photos or films. Our professional photo processing specialists will demonstrate all their expertise, by restoring or retouching them.
Restoration of old prints, damaged by the effects of time is our specialty. Your damaged photos will find the one second youth and will often reveal hidden details.
We also provide photo touch up or editing services. Applied to more recent images, our photo retouch technics, like portrait optimization, photo assembly, special effects, defect correction and many other digital photographic editing work, will convert conventional photos into art images.
See what makes us unique: Result validation before paiement, large service portofolio, digitalization offered, framing and cropping offered, amazing volume discounts, on line uploading, , fidelity program, referral program, new services added regularly, printing options, astrophotographie processing expertise, secured paiement, and much more…
At MyPhotoRescue, only your satisfaction counts. Each phot restoration or photo touching up is fully manual and customized, using top of the art computers and softwares, without counting work time. The outcome is submitted for your approval before sending of the final version.
Our services are classified by categories. One service can be linked to mutliple categories. Here are the main categories and services:
Photos restoration:
To restore old and damaged pictures. Could be old paper prints, old postal cards, old slides or negatives, even old stained glasses.
Restoring a photo means, after having digitized it, to repair physical defects, on the digital copy, with specialized softwares. It is a purely manual work, very specific to each image. Most often, it is about repairing slits and tears, stains and blob and stripes. On the oldest photos, you can also find mouldy bits and even some missing parts (eaten by mouses).
The restoration complexity and lenght vary a lot, depending on defects quantity size and location on the image. This is why we have defined three levels, to charge only a fair price.
Basic photo restoration, standard photo restoration and advanced /complex photo restoration.
Place the mouse's cursor over the image to display the original photo:
Photos retouching:
Photos retouching or touching up category contains various type of infography services. By defintion, touching up a photo is about modifying its content with a specific objective, like looking younger, looking nicer, thinner...
Our best seller is the portrait optimisation service, a very nice gift.
Place the mouse's cursor over the image to display the original photo: 
The Standard photo touch up service is a premium price photos optimisation service, well adapted to high volume of images, for specific events like weddings.
Photos colorisation:
It works in both sides. Either to colorize a black and white photo, either to convert a color photo to black and white or sepia . The big difference between our work and the others offer, is that we propose convertions to dual, three and four tones. Those technics are producing uncomparable results, with rich colors anddepth.
Our multi colors conversions, are available in a large tonality palette, cold or hot colors and are ideal for large size printing, with uncomparable rendering.
Place the mouse's cursor over the image to display the original photo:

Most often, it is about merging elements taken from two or more photographs, to create a new image
We can for instance, use two photos of the same person, and combine the best parts from each, to create a unique and perfect image, like in the example below:
Place the mouse's cursor over the image to display the original photo:

We also propose to merge large numbers of photos to create amazing panoramas, with invisible patterns.
Place the mouse's cursor over the image to display the original photo:

Our technic can also be used to create very high definition landscapes, objects and portrait photos, for the purpose of large printing.
Special effects:
The place for original photo gifts. Visit this category regularly to discover new ideas and proposals.
Your best photos deserve a better end than a 10x15 print hidden in an album. Before investing in a larger print, consider making them unique, thanks to our touch up (like "Portrait optimization"). Sometime, a special effect, like such a partial discoloration can also transform a banal picture, into a unique and amazing large scale print or poster.
Also, we'll continue to propose regularly new dummy photomontages, like this dummy photo collage. This is a gift your kids will love and keep for ever.
Place the mouse's cursor over the image to display the original photo:

You have in mind a special effect, a desire for a unique illustration, a specific photo rendering, a message to pass over ? Share with us your idea and need, our graphics artists and designers will for sure advise you and propose solutions. Get a quote here.
Astro photography:
The creator and director of MyPhotoRescue, Franck Bugnet, is well known for the quality of his amazing photos of very remote galaxies and nebulas. With a professional background on digital printing and color management, he has developped a unique competency on astro photographs high quality printing.
So it was a natural step to make this know how available to many. This is why we propose to back yard (and even professional) astro photographers to print your astro images, in a fully calibrated set of equipment, with manual proofing. This is the only way to perfectly render dark grayscales and colors.
Franck Bugnet is also offering a unique service: The entire or partial post processing of your images, whatever they are grayscale, RGB or even false colors narrowband photos (our specialty).
Last but not least, Franck is also proposing prints of his own astro photo creations, from A4 to very large size posters, like this amazing image of the Rosette nebula:

Deleted images recovery:
You erased some or all your digital photos by error, even re-formated the card ?
We know how to recover them all ! So we can save your day, don't wait any longer.

On top of this page, you can see a very short extract of some of our photo editing services. They are accessible, within many others, by selecting a menu item.
We wish you a pleasant visit of our site. Do not hesitate to contact us, for any commercial or technical question.
MyPhotoRescue team, at your disposal.
Franck Bugnet - Director
Note for professionals: This site is available for renting. If you are a professional photo editor and are looking for having a site to propose your photo services, why not taking the responsibility of managing MyPhotoRescue ? Please contact us to discuss options...